Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday, I'm freaking tired and dont feel like cooking, sketti supper night

So, it's friday night, I dont really feel like cooking...cans and jar's night! HA!
I was in the mood for pasta..easy fix...sketti!!!!

Supplies needed (LOL): Ragu meat sauce and sketti noodles
Boil noodles according to directions, drain. Heat sketti sauce. Pour heated sketti sauce over hot pasta and serve. Just a reminder, if you want your sauces to really STICK to your pasta, never rinse it. I always takes it off the stove about a minute before it's done, drain, and put it in the sauce pot or skillet and cook it for about 1-2 minutes.

Notice the "butter bread" in the son can not eat sketti without "butter bread". Also, if anyone feels the need to feel sorry for Pammy..I'm always up for some new PLATEWARE!!

 I thought I would go all out for had toaster strudels. And let me just say, the boston cream pie is DA BOMB!!!

Tomorrow night...steak night!

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