Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pork Roast with root vegetables

Well, let me start off by saying that butternut squash is best left for a dessert. The taste and texture resembles a sweet least to me it does. I just didn't really care for it. I should have picked a rutabaga and turnips but my husband would divorce me if I served that to him. He hates the smell of rutabagas.

Ingredients: 2-3 lb pork roast      1 bag of baby carrots   2 large potatoes
                  2 stalks of celery      1 onion  2 cups of beef broth (divided)
                  1/4 cup of flour        3 garlic cloves (sliced)
                  1 large butternut squash

Spices: lemon pepper, tony's, salt, garlic & onion powder

Peel your squash and potatoes and dice into chunks along with the remaining veggies except for the baby carrots. Make sure to use a generous amount of the spices to cover the whole roast, poke various holes in the roast, slide the sliced garlic in the holes. Pour 1 cup of your beef broth in the bottom of the roasting pan and lay the roast on top. Cover and bake at 375 for 45 minutes. Uncover the roast and add ALL of the veggies, flip the roast and put it back in the oven at 350 for 30 minutes, after 30 minutes flip the roast and cook an additional 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and let the roast stand at room temp for 10 minutes. Remove all the veggies to a separate serving plate. You should have about 1-2 cups of juice on the bottom of the roasting pan. Put the roasting pan on the stove and add the flour and whisk, once it comes to a rolling boil, add the rest of the beef broth. If the gravy is to thick, add more broth or water. At this point, taste the gravy to see if you need to add more salt and pepper. Slice your roast and serve.

Since my son looked at supper and ran screaming...this is what he had..

Yes, he's spoiled...but, mommy wasn't too happy with supper either and I think he felt it. So, tomorrow we are having leftover pork roast with a WONDERFUL gravy and......MASHED POTATOES. LOL!

**The bottom part of the butternut squash: I removed the seeds and strings and baked it in the oven with 1 tbsp of butter, 2 tbsp of honey, 2 tbsp of sugar, and a dash of cinnamon. Bake at 350 for about 20-30 minutes, until tender.

Again, I would recommend sweet potatoes because they are CHEAPER and well, that's what I was raised on and prefer. I will give the butternut squash another chance...later :)

1 comment:

  1. that looks delish! and lol at Jacob and his mac n cheese. that would be Dalton too. He doesn't like any kind of roast.
